The Ups and Downs of Rust Adoption - Draft

By Bevan Mardiros

The ups and downs of Rust adoption

Rust is easily my favourite programming language, but it does have some problems or difficulties that may serve to slow its adoption in industry. For the purpose of this article, I'll assume that the reader understands the basics of Rust, so I need only outline the peculiarites to of its differences to other languages, and not explain what the differences themselves are.

Learning curve

Rust has a well-earned reputation for complexity; though I've found that in practice certain features that reduce complexity more than make up for those aspects that seem to increase complexity. In my opinion the repution comes from the fact that rust's complexity is mostly up front; new crustaceans have a steep learning curve ahead of them, and there are a number of unfamiliar concepts that they must learn, before they can get to the complexity-reducing benefits that come later. The features that create up-front complexity are: the ownership rules, traits, lifetimes, and futures/async. I don't include unsafe rust in this list because new Rustaceans should generally avoid it entirely, but if they don't then generally the complexity added is only the same complexity that comes when using C, that is they open themselves to the potential for making catastrophic memory safety errors, while simplifying some other aspect of their program.

In comparison, C is a very simple language, in that its syntax is straitforward and it has only a small number of keywords. Coming from higher-level languages, the idea of memory pointers and memory allocation can be complex, since the standard approach is to eliminate the memory-management interface entirely through costly garbage collection. The malloc/free interface itself however is very simple: just allocate X amount of memory, get pointers to it, and use those pointers in your program logic. The complexity comes from dealing with the lack of safeguards in this approach. There is nothing preventing undefined behaviour like dereferencing null pointers, or applying math to an array pointer to overwrite or read values from data beyond the actual length of the array, or writing/reading data after it has been freed and possibly reallocated. In this way, the simple interface, easily abused, creates the potential for enormous complexity in the form of bugs that are hard to diagnose. Rust on the other hand, avoids the possibility for these errors by introducing ownership rules and reference lifetimes. These rules are extremely strict about which data can be used where, how it can be stored and passed around. This requires that Rust developers create far more rigourous data structures and control flow than they are used to. However, if they manage to get their program to run (and use some best practices, which I'll get into) then its very likely that the program is correct, or nearly so. So C is simple while writing and compiling, and then complex in debugging, a process which may take years for a complex program, Rust is complex to design (and design occupies a larger part of development), write, and compile, but far simpler to run and debug.

It useful to distinguish between those aspects of rust which contribute to its learning curve but which pay of later by reducing complexity, and those that don't. The borrow checking mentioned above pays off as described. The leaky abstractions common in proc-macro based libraries pay off less. For example, diesel provides compile-time query checks, migrations, and code reuse between queries. But the implementation depends on apply proc-macros to data structures to connect the model structs to the database tables. The result is that when diesel is used incorrectly, the compile-time error reveals unclear messages that seem specific to diesel's internal code. The result is that the standard "compiler-driven development" approach doesn't work here, instead you must study the documentation to determine what you're doing wrong.

Tips for ownership rules

Complexity-Reducing Benefits

Memory Safety

NullPtr vs Option

int* vs [i32; 8], &[i32], and Vec


Type system

Error handling



An overview of my Rust Projects


My first and largest rust project. The bramble-sync protocol allows for groups consisting of directed acyclic graphs of messages to be synchronized between devices communicating over some transport protocol. I wrote and rewrote this project, which contains about 6000 lines of code about 3 times, as I learned progressively more about Rust. Some of the changes between such rewrites include:


This project includes several interesting components:

Mapped Futures

Overview of Lessons

Useful readings